create the Porter’s diamond model (about NATION) analysis for the industry.


Porter diamond framework and business strategy
1) (Apply the Pestel factors from PESTEL order to identify the support for the industry (Porter’s diamond model) by the nation and the relevant market boundaries (or what factor causes a customer to prefer one competitor over the other)

In other words: based on the Pestel analysis – create the Porter’s diamond model (about NATION) analysis for the industry. When analyzing the demand conditions include the relevant market boundaries based on your Pestel analysis.)



• 1. Political instability in many countries

• 2. Changes in current legislation

3. Policies for foreign investors

4. Proper security of local and foreign firms

5. Relationship between nations

6. Wars and conflicts Economical

1. Home economy

2. Economy trends in overseas economies

3.GDP and purchasing power of customers

4. Interest/ exchange and inflation rates

5. International trade and monetary issues

6. Investment opportunities and trade balance Social

1. Demographic changes including sex ratio, population density, and majority people age, etc.

2. Cultural and traditional changes

3. Educational and language differences

4. Social safety and benefits

5. Consumer attitudes and opinions on online sites

6. Ethnic/religious factors


1. Technological development and innovation growth

2. Skilled resources

3. Licensing, patents

intellectual property issues

4. Adaptation of new technology

5.Research & Development Environmental

1. Environmental industrial growth

2. Consumer attitudes, opinions and support

3. Climate and natural support

4. Business environment and media support Legal

1. Improper law and legal framework related online sites.

• 2. Customer protection

• 3. Banned of several online sides due to porn, sexy, religious and nation security related videos posted on these sites

• 4. Changes in taxes


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Which scheme has the worst tolerance accumulation on the point location?


1.Figure 12.21 shows a stepped and grooved block sketch with a depth of 2 in. Apply the three dimensioning schemes of Section 12.7 to the sketch. Calculate, manually, the coordinates of point P for each scheme. Which scheme has the worst tolerance accumulation on the point location? Calculate the accumulation for each scheme. 2. What is the difference between arithmetic and statistical tolerancing? Which one is more restrictive and why?


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compare and contrast each of the three major sociological perspectives.


First, compare and contrast each of the three major sociological perspectives. Be sure to address the similarities and differences between each of the three perspectives. Next, select and state one social institution to analyze from each theoretical perspective. Then, address the following questions in your essay:

What does each sociological perspective view as the strengths and weaknesses of your chosen institution? With which perspective do you most closely align and why?


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Discuss how stock trading has created a lot of this volatility and the decisions for stock traders to buy and sell wildly in terms of hyperbolic discounting.


1. Lately, the stock market has experienced unprecedented volatility – wild ups and downs. Discuss how stock trading has created a lot of this volatility and the decisions for stock traders to buy and sell wildly in terms of hyperbolic discounting.

2. The news has been full of stories lately about the stock market problems, sub-prime mortgages, and ponzi schemes. All of these required people to make decisions. Research one of the stories and discuss how motivation influenced people to make such terrible decisions. Had exponential discounting played a part in the decision(s) that you had researched. If so, how?




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Calculate the MAD for this forecasting model.


A toy company buys large quantities of plastic pellets for use in the manufacturing of its products. The production manager wants to develop a forecasting system for plastic pellet prices and is considering four different approaches and 6 different models. He plans to use historical data to test the different models for accuracy. The price per pound of plastic pellets (actual) has varied as shown Month Price/Pound 1 $0.39 2 0.41 3 0.45 4 0.44 5 0.40 6 0.41 7 0.38 8 0.36 9 0.35 10 0.38 11 0.39 12 0.43 13 0.37 14 0.38 15 0.36 16 0.39 SIMPLE LINEAR REGRESSION: Use all of the data, months 1-16, to calculate the regression equation for this data. Use the months (1-16) as the independent variable (x) and price as the dependent variable (y). Once you have the equation, forecast months 7-16 (enter 7, 8, etc. as the x value in the equation). Calculate the MAD for this forecasting model. Comment on the goodness of fit (R2) and significance of the model (F significance) to determine if this forecast model should be included in the consideration of the different approaches. (If the model is not significant, it cannot be considered, however, you must still make the forecasts and calculate the MAD). answer should be displayed in a table like below SMA AP=3 SMA AP=4 WMA ETC Month Actual Forecast Absolute Deviation Forecast Absolute Deviation Forecast Absolute Deviation 7 0.38 8 0.36


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Suppose that using data on sales of a company’s product in n different markets the following regression was estimated


Econ 2123. Introduction to Econometrics

Econ 2123. Introduction to Econometrics

Econ 2123. Introduction to Econometrics
Sections 80/83. Prof. Williams
Homework 7
due Tuesday March 24
You can work together with other students in the class to answer each of the following
problems but you must write your assignments up separately.
Suppose the number of new home construction projects in the US started in month i,
Yi , is regressed on the unemployment rate in the US in period i, X1i , and 11 dummy
variables where X2i is equal to 1 if period i is January of some year, X3i is equal to
1 if period i is February and so on. The data consists of 120 monthly observations
over ten years. Use the FWL theorem to describe a simple regression that would
provide the same estimate for β1 .
(i) Suppose that using data on sales of a company’s product in n different markets
the following regression was estimated
Si = 3080 − 75, 000Pi + 4.23Ai − 1.04Bi
(25, 000) (1.06) (0.51)
where, as usual, the number in parentheses are the robust standard errors. The
dependent variable, Si , is the company’s sales and the regressors are price (Pi ),
advertising expenditures (Ai ), and advertising expenditures of the company’s
competitor (Bi ). The company’s marketing department worried that this regression suffered from imperfect multicollinearity because Ai and Bi have a
correlation coefficient of .97. To “solve” this problem Bi was dropped and the
following result was used:
Si = 2586 − 78, 000Pi + 0.52Ai
(24, 000) (4.32)
a. Using this second regression, what would the company conclude about the
effect of advertising expenditures on sales?b. If the company had used the first regression, what would they conclude
about the effect of advertising expenditures on sales?
c. Does the second regression suffer from an omitted variables bias due to
the omission of Bi ? If so, is the bias positive or negative?
d. What can you conclude about how the company handled the “problem”
of multicollinearity?
(ii) Consider a dataset consisting of several variables for each of sample of 1000
bills that were voted on in Congress over the past ten years. Let Yi denote the
percentage of the members of Congress that voted in favor of the ith bill in the
final vote. Then let X1i , X2i , X3i denote the percentage of poor, middle class,
and wealthy Americans who supported the bill according to public opinion
polling. Using this data the following regression results were obtained:
Yi = 0.1 − 0.2X1i + 0.3X2i + 0.6X3i
(0.18) (0.22) (0.25)
a. According to these regression results, what would be the effect of an increase of 10 percentage points in the support of wealthy Americans for a
bill, holding fixed the level of support of the rest of the public? Is this
effect statistically significant?
b. Should one conclude from the regression results that only the support of
wealthy Americans influences the votes of members Congress? (Hint: The
answer is no. But you should explain why.)
c. What statistical test should be done to determine if there is enough statistical evidence to conclude that only the support of wealthy Americans
influences the votes of members Congress? Give the null hypothesis that
you would test, stated as an equation, or equations, using the parameters
of the model. Also give the name of the test you would do to test this
null hypothesis and the command you would use in Stata.
For each of the following regressions interpret the results. Specifically, answer the
question “what is the effect of X on Y ?” Pay attention to the standard errors as

ln(wage)i = 0.6 + 0.07educationi
where wage is measured in dollars per hour and education is measure in years
(from 6 years to 22 years).
beef Consumptioni = 30 + 100 ln(incomei )
where the dependent variable is the number of pounds of beef consumed by
the individual in a year and income is measured in dollars.
ln(output)i = 30 + .8 ln(labori )
where outputi is the average units of a product produced by plant i in a month
and labori is the average units of labor used by the plant in a month.
ln(wage)i = 0.7 + 0.08experiencei − .001experience2
where wage is measured in dollars per hour and experience is measure in years
(from 0 years to 47 years).
v. For a sample of newly engaged couples
caratsi = 0.1 + 0.05incomei + .02income2
where caratsi represents the size of the diamond in the engagement ring (in
carats) and incomei represents the combined monthly income in thousands of
dollars of the couple.

Use the dataset in the file IPOD3.dta to complete this exercise. This data contains
information on 215 transactions on eBay where an iPod was sold. The variable
names should be self-explanatory. PRICE is measured in dollars. NEW and SCRATCH
are dummies equal to 1 if the iPod was new and scratched, respectively, and equal
to 0 otherwise. BIDRS represents the number of bidders for the iPod in the auction
and PERCENT is the quality of the seller, measured as the percent of past customers
giving the seller a positive rating. Answer the following questions. Also, please hand
in a .do file that lists every command you carried out.
i. New iPods in the sample sold for $62 more, on average, than used iPods. Is
this in part, or entirely, because new iPods are less likely to be scratched? Use
two separate regressions to answer this question and be careful to explain your
ii. According to most economic models of auctions, an increase in the number of
bidders should cause an increase in the final price as it increases competition
for the good. Does this data support this implication of economic theory? To
answer this question be sure to consider the following:
a. omitted variables
b. nonlinearities
c. multicollinearity

Econ 2123. Introduction to Econometrics


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describe how each of the 8 intellectual standards (clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness) were used or not used in the article, supported by an example.


Elements of Reasoning and Intellectual Standards

Option A

Using the 8 elements of reasoning that were outlined in week 2 (Purpose, problem, information, concepts, assumptions, inferences, points of view, implications or consequences) choose a news article and break it down according to those elements.


Option B

You will describe how each of the 8 intellectual standards (clarity, accuracy, precision, relevance, depth, breadth, logic, and fairness) were used or not used in the article, supported by an example.

For either option you choose:

Write a conclusion of your paper to describe how you feel the article is biased. Please be sure to include the URL for the article that you have chosen. Your response should be at 500-600 words.

Keep in mind you are being asked to analyze the article/author itself, NOT the topic discussed.


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Compare andcontrast their behaviour in setting up their own company with relevant theories onentrepreneurial behaviour.


1. To what extent do you believe they are entrepreneurial? Underpin your answer with theoreticaldiscussion on what makes an entrepreneur. Compare andcontrast their behaviour in setting up their own company with relevant theories onentrepreneurial behaviour.
2. As an independent consultant what advice would you give themabout how to expand the business and about the potential pitfalls they might face.
3. While effective planning and control of financial resources is essential for all firms smallfirms face more obstacles than larger ones in ensuring this effectiveness. Outline thereasons for this and discuss the ways in which small firms can optimise the use offunding within their business.
4. What issues has GUY WATSON experienced in growing his business? Would any of thetheoretical growth models that you are aware of be of any use to him in overcomingthese issues?


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find the “index” of the smallest and the index of the largest elements of the array.


Write and test an ARMv8 program to sort an array of elements. As I mentioned in class, this problem uses a portion of your Programming Assignment 1 where you computed the smallest and largest values in an array. Here we will extend that assignment to find the “index” of the smallest and the index of the largest elements of the array. The following C code segment illustrates how we can sort the element of an array. i =0; while (i largest) { largest = a[j]; index = j;} void swap (long long int *a, long long int i, long long int j) { temp = a[i]; a[i] = a[j]; a[j] = temp; }


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What do you believe are the benefits to being an employee of a company vs. a contractor?


What do you believe are the benefits to being an employee of a company vs. a contractor? Which would you prefer to be? Why?


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