for expenses incurred during a business trip you made to Wapiti Paper Mill between the 10th and the 14th. (You are an engineering technician employed by the local branch of H. L. Winman and Associates, and you went to the mill to investigate and rectify a problem in the process con- trol system.) The five business expenses are:

Today you receive a credit card statement from WorldCard, covering last month’s purchases. There are eight debit entries, three personal and five

Technically – Write! Sixth Edition, by Ron Blicq and Lisa Moretto.Published by Prentice Hall.Copyright ©2004 by Pearson Education, Inc.

Make this letter more direct and easier to understand

Create a letter from notes

Letters, Memos, and Emails 59

ISBN: 0-536-45204-0

for expenses incurred during a business trip you made to Wapiti Paper Mill between the 10th and the 14th. (You are an engineering technician employed by the local branch of H. L. Winman and Associates, and you went to the mill to investigate and rectify a problem in the process con- trol system.) The five business expenses are:

Item Date

3 10

4 11

5 12

6 14

7 14


St. James Motel, Burntwood Lake Burntwood Auto Service
Wapiti Autos
Wapiti Inn

Burntwood Auto Service

Control No.

0134652 0147162 0203916 0205771 0211606


73.90 305.60 38.66 256.50 31.58

Item 4 puzzles you. You know you purchased gasoline three times and stayed one night on the road in a motel and three nights at another motel near the mill. But you could not have bought $305 of gasoline (your car’s tank would not hold that much!).

Fortunately, you always keep a travel log and in it you recorded these entries:

11th – 12th – 14th –

19.46 gal 25.27 gal 20.11 gal

@ $1.57/gal @ $1.53/gal @ $1.57/gal

You do not have the credit card vouchers because you attached them to the expense account you handed in to branch manager Vern Rogers on the 19th, and he has sent them on to head office in Cleveland. But from your records you can work out what the error is and can guess that it occurred during data entry at WorldCard’s data center in New York.

Write to the manager of customer accounts at the credit card com- pany, inform him or her of the error, and ask for an adjustment. WorldCard’s address is: Suite 2160 – 24 Harley Avenue, New York, NY 10026.