Harms IRBs are Concerned in Research Discussion Questions


Finkelman Anita & Kenner Carole (2013). Professional Nursing Concepts. Competencies for Quality Leadership (2nd Ed.) ISBN: 978-1-4496-4902-9

APA Format

Arial 12

Discussion Questions (each group will elaborate on all questions and share with the rest of the class)

  • Explain the harms that the IRBs are concerned with in research.
  • Explain how the profession of nursing incorporates ethics into practice and the profession.
  • Discuss one example of an ethical issue and how the ethical principles apply to this issue.

Critical Thinking Activity (all groups will elaborate on the activity & debate)

Select one of the following topics: confidentiality and informed consent; advance directives; living wills, DNR; or organ donation. Explain what it is in language that consumers could understand. What makes the issue you selected an ethical and legal issue.