Impact of Climate Change on Ocean Life Paper

It’s a research paper on how Impact of climate change on ocean life.


Following that should be the separate entries for the six sources you’ve identified. Your goal should be to achieve a variety of sources, at least one from each of the following general areas:

  • scholarly or scientific source (i.e., peer-reviewed research)
  • governmental agency or report
  • transgovernmental (i.e., international) agency or report (e.g., UNEP, FAO, IPCC, IEA)
  • nongovernmental agency or report (environmental or scientific organization, such as Greenpeace, NRDC, Union of Concerned Scientists, Royal Society, etc)
  • mainstream media (New York Times, Washington Post, Guardian, Scientific American, etc)
  • corporate, industry association, or financial media report (The Economist, Financial Times, Wall Street Journal, etc)

needs to be 2000 words

cited page at the end

one of source from the list above. Total “6”

original not plagiarism

APA format