Introduction to Sociology Journal Entries Assignment

Introduction to Sociology

Journal Entries Assignment

Because we (usually) interact with people on a daily basis, we are constantly immersed in social processes. Even when we are not in direct contact with others, the experiences we have may still be “social” in nature. However, rarely do we attempt to critically examine ourselves and our surroundings from a sociological perspective. The goal of this assignment is to step “out of your skin” so to speak, and try to see your daily experiences within the framework of the concepts you are learning in this class.

You are to be aware (for one day) of experiences you have, along with an analysis of those experiences from a sociological perspective. In other words, keep note of things that happen to you, behaviors you see occurring in other individuals or among social groups, events in the media, and even storylines from books that you’re reading or TV shows you are watching (and including commercials). Basically, anything you notice in your daily life is fair game (assuming you can tie it into the course content). Select one or two of these experiences to use in your journal entry. You should carefully explain the event or experience (so that I understand what is going on), and then give evidence to support why this illustrates a sociological concept—some references will be needed in your evidence (e.g. your textbook or discussions from class).


  1. Description of your experience that you discussed and analysis of how it illustrates a sociological concept. Your submission should be approximately 300 – 500 words.


Remember there are NO right or wrong answers to this assignment. Your writing should explore the topic of sociological imagination and how you can make connections to this concept and your everyday life



Week 3 : Sociological Imagination

Week 5: How we understand culture

Week 9: Gender and sexuality

Week 12: Mass media


Each entry comprise 5% of your final grade.

50 – 59% 60 – 69% 70 – 79% 80 –  100%
Summary is limited in communicating knowledge. Does not contain adequate detail for development. Summary is clear but does not contain sufficient detail to support understanding. Summary is purposeful and

focused. Contains most relevant details.

Summary is confident

and clearly focused. It holds  the reader’s attention.

Relevant details enrich summary.

Analysis is limited and/or does not present any new information. Analysis is attempted and includes some thinking on the basic concepts Analysis is accurate and extends thinking in a straightforward manner. Analysis is insightful and creatively connects to  the concepts presented in meaningful ways.

agreement between parts of speech. Many errors in


Occasional errors between parts of speech. Some

errors in mechanics

Maintains agreement between parts of speech. Few errors in mechanics. Uses consistent agreement between parts of speech. No errors in mechanics.
Comments lack organizations Comments to classmates may lack organization and demonstrate some attempt to engage the audience. Comments to classmates are organized and attempt to engage the audience in simple ways. Comments to classmates are professional, highly organized, and provide creative opportunities for audience engagement.