Non-point sources of pollutants discussion

  • Are non-point sources of pollutants easier or more difficult to control than point sources?
  • Explain why PBDEs or flame retardants are extremely serious contaminants.
  • What is the purpose of a risk assessment?
  • Exposure to toxic metals is a serious health risk.What did Erin Brockovich do about the release of hexavalent chromium into the environment in 1993?
  • What does a ‘One Health Approach’ mean?
  • Why are rain gardens, green roofs, and bioswales important in the balance of pervious to impervious surfaces?
  • The flow associated with a minor storm event (called Q10 or 1 in 10 year storm event) and the flow associated with a major storm event (called Q100 or 1 in 100 year storm event) has changed considerably with the continuing changes of the local climate.What design changes are needed to adequately prevent flooding, protect from water contamination and avoid possible surface erosion?