personal and professional reasons for seeking admission

Statement purpose

Please submit an essay of up to 6 pages in length, double spaced, that explores your personal and professional reasons for seeking admission. This essay should incorporate the following themes into one coherent statement: your self reflections regarding the significant events in your life that led to this choice; your understanding of your personal and professional strengths and weaknesses, particularly in the academic, clinical, and research realms; your scholarly and professional goals and interests, and how these fit with a clinical psychology program, and with Fielding in particular.

Talking points:

1.) Traumatic event at under graduate school caused me to use for the first time a psychologist to help heal me. I first became interested in psychology after being helped and changed my major to psychology bachelor degree.

2.) I’m a natural leader and wanted to one day run the hospital and its daily operations. This led me to pursue a master’s degree in Health Care Administration.

3.) I recently had twins earlier this year 2017 and as a single parent life is hard working from home and taking care of newborns at the same time. I fell into a deep post-partum depression because many things were just not going well at the time. I was struggling to stay afloat! No regular person wanted to lend a hand. So feeling alone and desperate to get out of the depression state. I sought professional treatment through a psychologist and got regular therapy. I became well again after taking a break from work for about a month. My children are thriving, my work is fun again as a quit coach and I enjoy helping others figure out deep twisted feelings that they can set practical tangible goals to clear out such energies.