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The idea :


  • The envisioned product offering is a home test kit for high blood pressure (HBP)
  • This kit will be a portable device that people can carry around with them and measure their blood pressure regularly
  • The device will be cheap to ensure that a large population can afford it
  • the device would fit in pocket


  • This portable HBP test kit targets all people
  • However, the elderly, people with obesity, people with diabetes., people involved in sedentary lifestyles, heavy alcohol drinkers and cigarette smokers will be the primary target customers
  • The target users range in millions to a billion across the globe
  • In order to use this device, the users will:
  • Due to the low cost of the kit, everybody will be an economic buyer
  • be wrap the blood pressure cuff around the upper arm
  • Lightly pressing the stethoscope’s bell over the brachial artery slightly below the cuff’s edge.
  • Rapidly inflating the cuff to 180mmHg then release the air from the blood pressure cuff at 3mm/sec rate
  • Observe the sphygmomanometer
  • When the knocking sound disappears, the displayed figure will be the diastolic pressure
  • Any pressure above 180/120mmHg calls for immediate attention

Value Proposition

  • The offering of the kit is important to the buyer. user because he/ she will be able to measure blood pressure regularly and see a doctor where possible
  • The portable HPB testing machine will ensure that people can measure their blood pressure anywhere and at any time and take the necessary steps, like seeing a physician where possible
  • This machine will help to reduce the number of deaths resulting from chronic high blood pressure as a result of delayed testing and mitigation
  • Regarding output and impact, this home HBP test kit will reduces the instances where people are tested blood pressure when it is already at risky levels
  • This home HBP test kit is not only beat but also it will help people to measure their blood pressure levels and take the necessary actions where possible

Substitutes or Alternatives

  • The substitutes being offered currently to clients is visiting hospitals in order to be measured their blood pressure level
    • A group of highly innovative individuals will be required to come up with the machine
    • They should have knowledge of the internal workings of the current sphygmomanometer
    • Due to the high cost of coming up with the meter, financial sponsorship will be required


Distinctive Competencies

  • The team must be innovative
  • They should have knowledge of the working of the current versions of blood pressure meters