Replies to Week one Discussion

Weekly Discussions Rules

In this class, online discussions will count towards your weekly discussion grade in the course. The purpose of the discussion board is to frame and promote collaborative learning. Active and regular participation is not only important for me to see, but also important for you in learning the course content and in developing your thoughts and positions on various topics. You should make a minimum of 3 postings in total (per week): one new initial discussion post and at respond to at least two peers.

¨ Initial Posts are due each week on Wednesdayby 2359 EST.

  • Response posts to peers are due each week on Saturdayby 2359 EST.

Expectations for Weekly Discussion Posts:

  • You should begin at least one thread and provide at least two posts in response to other participants’ threads.
  • Posting should be in paragraph form. The focus should be on the quality of the post and addressing all elements, rather than on quantity (word count). Whether you agree or disagree explain why with supporting evidence and concepts from the readings or a related experience. Include a reference, link, or citation in APA format when appropriate.
  • Be organized in your thoughts and ideas.
  • Incorporate correlations with the assigned readings or topics.
  • Stay on topic.
  • Provide evidence of critical, college-level thinking and thoughtfulness in your responses or interactions. Avoid summarizing.
  • Contribute to the learning community by being creative in your approaches to topics, being relevant in the presented viewpoints, and attempting to motivate the discussion.
  • Be aware of grammar and sentence mechanics.
  • Use proper etiquette. Remember that being respectful is critical. Cardinal Rules for Discussion Boards:
  • Please remember that the cultural of mutual respect that is part of this course extends into the virtual classroom environment.
  • Participation in these discussion boards is required.

Participation alone is not enough; a thoughtful and meaningful approach in your posts is required. (Quality counts!)