Which of the following is not a basic area of consideration in supplier management?

9. Which of the following
is not a basic area of consideration in supplier management?
a) Supplier relationships
b) Selection of suppliers
c) Cross-docking
d) Certification and auditing
10.inventories exist because materials
must be moved from one location to another.
a) Buffer
b) Anticipation
c) Transit
d) Cycle
11. Which of the following costs
includes taxes, insurance on buildings, depreciation of buildings,
and maintenance and repairs?
a) Capital costs
b) Risk costs
c) Ordering costs
d) Storage costs
12. Moore’s law states that:
a) The value of a network increases
with the square of the number of elements connected to it
b) Computing power doubles every 18-24
c) If anything can go wrong, it will,
and usually at the most inappropriate moment
d) A project will always take longer
than expected, even after taking into account Metcalfe’s Law




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