
You will be required to write ONE essay based on one of these short stories. You may write the essay based on one of the following:

  1. “Tell-Tale Heart” – analysis of symbolism or a prevalent theme
  2. “Young Goodman Brown” – analysis of symbolism or a prevalent theme

Essay Guidelines:

  • The essay must be in standard five-paragraph format using the most recently updated MLA 8th edition.
  • Word count requirement – 750-1000 words
  • Students must adhere to all formal academic writing rules in this class regarding to grammar and mechanics, including no contractions, third person point of view (voice), standard font type and size, double spaced, etc.
  • Students must show clear evidence of THREE points validating the chosen topic (symbolism or theme) using the selected short story as a primary source reference.
  • Students are required to include a Works Cited page listing the one primary source (selected short story). No other outside sources are required. Students should write the Works Cited citation using the following online website sources that are given above.
    • Construct a good outline for this essay. The outline should be in sentence outline form (complete sentences). Do not use words or phrases only in your outline. Make sure each point includes complete sentences.