The problem with criminal profiling is a lack of merit regarding criminal profiling. The hypothesis is it is difficult to understand the validity of criminal profiling because there is a lack of familiarity with existing data, unlawful employment of policies, and publication of academic investigations.

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The problem with criminal profiling is a lack of merit regarding criminal profiling. The hypothesis is it is difficult to understand the validity of criminal profiling because there is a lack of familiarity with existing data, unlawful employment of policies, and publication of academic investigations. The null hypothesis is there is no relationship between the validity of criminal profiling and the lack of familiarity with existing data, unlawful employment of policies, and publication of academic investigations.

Literature Review

Topic 1 Lack of familiarity with existing data

Topic 2 Unlawful employment of data

Topic 3 Lack of publication of academic investigations

Research Design
The research design for this problem is correlational. Correlational research is relevant to this study because the study focuses on the relationship between the validity of criminal profiling and the lack of familiarity with existing data, unlawful employment of data, and publication of academic investigations. The sample for this study is 40. This sample was chosen because 40 members of law enforcement, with criminal profiling knowledge and experience, are best suited to give various perspectives on the lack of merit regarding criminal profiling. Therefore, purposive sampling is the chosen sampling method for research.