Using the Braden Scale, calculate Ms. Mandrake’s score. (see Table 10-3, in textbook, p. 168).

Ms. Mandrake is alert and oriented to person, place, and time. She loves watching game shows, doing crossword puzzles, and talking on the phone with family, friends, and her Bible study group. She is fully continent of bowel and bladder and only requires a bed linen change when the linens are dirty (every few days). She has dry skin and uses a moisturizer on her hands and face. She eats three balanced meals and occasional snacks without any difficulty with swallowing. Ms. Mandrake states with a smile, “I am healthy for a chair-ridden person.” She has chronic pain due to the arthritis and she states it is mostly controlled below a 5 on a 0 to 10 pain scale. 3. Using the Braden Scale, calculate Ms. Mandrake’s score. (see Table 10-3, in textbook, p. 168).




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