Aveda Institute New York Post-Partum Depression and Psychosis


“Descent into Desperation” produced by Jen Ashley and Heidi Zerse. After watching film, write a reflection paper documentary (4 page maximum; double-spaced, 12 font; include an APA title page). Your responses should include but are not limited to responses to the following:

  1. Did anything about the film surprise you? If so, what?
  2. What aspects of the film did you like/agree with? Dislike/not agree with?
  3. What questions does this film raise in your mind?
  4. Which scene or person do you remember most clearly from the film? What (or who) was it? Why do you think it made such an impression?
  5. Where there any issues raised in the film that you have seen/heard discussed at your clinical site. If so, describe the connection. If not, why do you think this is?
  6. If you had a close friend who was going to have a baby and she asked you whether or not she should see this film, what would you tell her and why?