Describe some of the criteria that should be used in determining a top event or condition for a Fault Tree Analysis. Risk Management

Describe some of the criteria that should be used in determining a top event or condition for a Fault Tree Analysis.
Risk Management

Chapters 6, 7, 8

Unit III

Describe some of the criteria that should be used in determining a top event or condition for a Fault Tree Analysis. Provide some examples (other than the ones in the course textbook).

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Explain why system indenture levels are important when choosing where to begin a FMEA. Provide an example that illustrates your point (other than the example in the course textbook).

Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Chapters 9, 10, 11

Unit V

What risk reduction strategy should be considered before separating the hazard from that needing protection?
Help people perform safely
Improve the resistance of that needing protection
Moderate the hazard
Which of the following is NOT an internal performance shaping factor?
An incident investigation process for harmful incidents whose steps feed back into a functioning system is called a __________.
Compliant Process
Open Loop Process
Closed-Loop Process
Causal Factors Process
Which of the following is a tactic for moderating a hazard?
Control the rate of release
Reduce the intensity of energy transfer
Lockout and tag-out of potential energy sources
Protect body parts from impacts from objects
What specific group in the right column of Figure 10.2 fits the following scenario? An employee tripped on a floor mat and fell. When interviewed, she said her mind was on something other than walking when she suddenly tripped.
Ill-Structured Decision
Attention Failure
Technique Error

Why should post-harm response be included in an incident investigation policy?
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Discuss the differences between risk-reduction strategies and risk-reduction tactics. Provide an example of each.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Provide an example of a near-miss incident, and discuss how an investigation of it could help prevent more serious incidents from occurring.
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.

Perform the following exercise using Strategy 7 – help people perform safely. You will not necessarily be providing complete solutions, only demonstrating application of the specific strategy.
A large haul truck transports ore within a mine. When backing up, the driver can use the mirrors on the on each side of the cab, but still has a large blind spot behind the truck. What would you recommend to help both driver and the pedestrians avoid a backing over fatality?
Your response must be at least 75 words in length.




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