Matlab Iteration Statements and Line and Bar Plots Assignment 4

There are 2 parts I need part 4A today before 11:50 pm .. and part 4B tell me if you need more time that 11:50 but I hope you finish both please !

For heart rate :

40 45 50 47

68 66 68 69

77 75 76 78.

THIS IS FOR PART ( 4 A ) : use this template ..

% Name: Yara

% BENG Spring 2019

% Recitation #

% Matlab Assigment #4A

% Date

% This is a script file for Matlab Assignment 4 – Part A. This file uses

% the subplot commands to plot various graphs.

% It also loads and plots patient heart data from a text file.


%clear variables and command window


clear all;

% Problem 1:

% Rename the file using the format FirstName_LastName_Rec#_Matlab4a.m

% Problem 2:

% Problem 3:

% Problem 4:

% Problem 5:

% Problem 6:

% Problem 7: