MN506 PUGlobal Florida Laws Of Health Care Policy And Legislation

For this Assignment, select a local or state health care policy or legislation that was enacted in the last 5 years. Then:

Controlled substances law in florida, as of Jul 1, 2018

  1. Summarize the policy or legislation.
  2. Analyze at least one strength and one weakness of the policy or legislation.
  3. Discuss the impact of the policy or legislation for all stakeholders, both providers and consumers.

Page length: 4-5 pages exclusive of cover page and references.

Support your paper with a minimum of four scholarly references.

Work demonstrates substantial integration of course materials and/or use of upper level thinking, from the Advanced Practice Nurse view. Identifies and analyzes one strength and one weakness of the policy/legislation. The strength and weakness identified are significant and has major impact on the providers and consumers. Content is supported adequately with references from credible sources.

Work demonstrates substantial integration of course materials and/or use of upper level thinking. The policy/legislation is summarized, with all relevant points included. The relevance to the APN role is fully integrated throughout the paper. Content is supported adequately with references from credible sources.