MyDietAnalysis (MDA) Part 4


Answer the following questions using your MDA Food Records and Reports. This will be submitted as an assignment (see Tips for Success below)

Assessing Your Carbohydrate Intake: Use the MDA “Calorie and Fat Sources” reports from each day and the three day average to complete the table below.

% CARBOHYDRATES (Recommended 45 – 65% of total calories)

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Three Day Average:

FIBER grams (Recommended 25-35 grams/day)

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Three Day Average:

  • Compare your daily intake of carbohydrates to the recommended values. Is it less than, more than or equal to the recommended value?
  • Looking at your food record, what food contained the highest amount of added sugar?
  • Compare your daily intake of fiber to the recommended value. Is it lower, equal to, or higher than the recommended value of 25-30 grams/day.
  • Looking at your food record, what food could you substitute or add to increase your fiber intake?
  • Which of the following statements apply to your carbohydrate intake:
    • My diet is high in refined grains
    • My diet is high in added sugar
    • My diet provides a good source of whole grains
    • My diet provides a good source of fiber
    • My carbohydrate choices are healthy
    • I could make better choices with my carbohydrate intake

Assessing Your Protein Intake : Use the MDA “Calorie and Fat Sources” reports from each day and the three day average to complete the table below.

% PROTEIN (Recommended 10 -35% of total calories)

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Three Day Average:

  • Compare your daily intake of protein to the recommended values. Is it less than, more than or equal to the recommended values?
  • Which of the following statements apply to your protein intake:
    • My diet contains a lot of high fat protein sources
    • My diet contains a lot of red meat
    • My diet contains a lot of processed meat
    • My diet contains a good source lean proteins
    • My protein choices are healthy
    • I could make better choices with my protein intake

Assessing Your Fat Intake: Use the MDA “Calorie and Fat Sources” reports from each day and the three day average to complete the table below.

% FAT (Recommended 25-35% of total calories)

Day One:

Day Two:

Day Three:

Three Day Average:

Omega-3 Fats (recommended 1.1g/day for Females and 1.6 g/day for Males)

Three Day Average:

% Saturated fat (Recommended < 10% of total calories)*

Three Day Average:

  • Compare your daily intake of protein to the recommended values. Is it less than, more than or equal to the recommended value?
  • Compare your daily intake of omega-3 to the recommended values. Is it less than, more than or equal to the recommended value?
  • Compare your daily intake of saturated fat to the recommended values. Is it less than, more than or equal to the recommended value?
  • Which of the following statements apply to your fat intake:
    • My diet contains a lot of saturated fat
    • My diet contains a lot of trans-fatty acids
    • My diet contains a lot of unhealthy fats
    • My fat choices are healthy
    • I could make better choices with my fat intake

Assessing Your Alcohol Intake: Use the MDA “Calorie and Fat Sources” reports from each day and the three day average to complete the table below

% ALCOHOL (Recommended < 15% of total calories)

Three Day Average:

  • Which of the following statements apply to your fat intake:
    • I do not/did not consume alcohol
    • My alcohol consumption was in moderation
    • My alcohol consumption was more than moderation

Assessing Your Diet

  • Explain how your future risk of health may be affected with your current consumption of fat, protein, carbohydrates, alcohol and cholesterol.
  • Is there anything you change to improve your diet? If not, what is it about your current diet that you feel that you should maintain for the future?

Tips For Success

  • I recommend composing your content offline in a text editor and then copy and paste the text into your reply post. If something happens you will have an offline copy of all of your hard work!
  • Please note, if you are using Microsoft Word to compose offline, you may need to do some editing to the format when you paste it into the reply.
  • Please DO NOT upload an attachment, except a pdf
  • I will not accept assignments that are emailed.