What level of education achieved by the mothers is the mode for this variable?includes questions from “Grove: Statistics for Health Care Research: A practical Workbook, Graded Questions” and other sources.

What level of education achieved by the mothers is the mode for this variable?includes questions from “Grove: Statistics for Health Care Research: A practical Workbook, Graded Questions” and other sources.

NUR 527: Fundamentals of Epidemiology and Biostatistics for Nursing

includes questions from “Grove: Statistics for Health Care Research: A practical Workbook, Graded Questions” and other sources.

SGrove, S. K. (2007). Statistics for Health Care Research: A Practical Workbook. Philadelphia, PA: Saunders. ISBN:
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== The SECOND SECTION includes questions related to analyzing and interpreting the data. Download and use the file “Sample_Data_Assignment2_Blackboard.sav”

This assignment includes 40 points and represents 20% of the course grade. Each question is one point.
Please write your name on the top of each page.

Section I: Grove: Statistics for Health Care Research
A practical Workbook
Instructions: For each exercise section – questions to be graded, in the book “statistics for health care research, a practical workbook”, answer only the specified questions written in bold. Show your calculations and provide rationale for your answers for full credit.
For example: for exercise 1, “questions to be graded”, you need to answer only questions 5 and 7.
Below are the list of the exercise numbers, title and the specific questions that you will need to answer. You need to read the sections in the workbook in order to answer the questions.
Exercise 1: Identifying Level of Measurement: Nominal
Answer questions: 5and 7

5. What number and percentage of the 44 depressed subjects were treated with antidepressant medications? Do you think an adequate number received treatment with medication? Provide a rationale for your answer.
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7. The researchers excluded persons from the study who had a history of psychiatric illness. Provide a rationale for excluding these persons.

Exercise 2: Identifying Level of Measurement: Ordinal
Answer questions: 2 and 7

2. What statistics were used to describe the demographic variable Estimated Yearly Family Income in this study? Were these appropriate?

7. Should the demographic variable Educational level be analyzed with parametric or nonparametric statistical analysis techniques? Provide a rationale for your answer.

Exercise 3: Identifying Level of Measurement: Interval/Ratio
Answer question: 6, 9

6. Looking at Table II, what descriptive analysis techniques were performed on the interval/ratio data?

9. Are there significant differences between the intervention and the control groups for any of the variables in Table I? Provide a rationale for your answer.


smilesmile. .


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