Discussion Board: Three layers of the heart wall; identify importance of surface features of the heart

You will be responding to a discussion board post. This post should be 80% you, and then facts found from other sources. Its not opinionated. It needs to have critical thinking. 125 Word minimum, APA format, cited. It needs to pertain to the paragraph and what the paragraph says. Other things can be added in as well, but make sure it is not just random facts. Below is the paragraph you will be responding to:

(follow this rubric):

1. Student submitted a thorough, informational and clear response that advanced the discussion with detail. Critical thinking about topic was included.


2. Assignment submitted on time and on a different day than other posts. Assignment met 125 word count minimum.


3. Appropriate scientific college-level sources were used. Post contained APA formatted references and in-text citations. The post was grammatically correct.


Three layers of the heart wall; identify importance of surface features of the heart


Did you know the human heart has not only four chambers, but three layers to it as well! Yes, it is true our hearts have three layers to it, epicardium (visceral pericardium), endocardium, and myocardium. Not only is there four chambers, and three layers, there is also a fibrous skeleton that helps shape the heart. When looking directly at the heart you will see the epicardium or visceral pericardium. The epicardium is made up of simple squamous epithelium tissue with additional thick layer of adipose tissue, which “refers to a single layer of thin, flat cells that line body surfaces” (Mikes, P. L. (2017, August 14).). Simple squamous epithelium tissue is best for the outside of the heart because it allows for easy blood flow through the different types of tissue the heart is made up of. Next layer of the heart is the endocardium, which is also made up of simple squamous epithelium tissue that over lays areolar tissue. This part of the heart is smooth, “This smooth surface allows blood to freely flow along the tissues. This is very important. Without this layer, blood components could stick to the walls of the heart and cause damage to the tissues or even lead to blockages. The endocardium also helps keep the heart tissues from sticking together when it beats” ((n.d.).). This layer of the heart does not have extra adipose tissue. Endocardium tissue can be found throughout the heart in the surface of the valves, and inside of the chambers. Finally, you have the myocardium which is the strongest muscle and also makes up majority of the heart. “The myocardium is the layer that contracts and is composed of cardiac muscle cells tethered to one another by crisscrossing tissue fibers arranged in circular bundles. These bundles link all parts of the heart together.” (Heart Anatomy: Size, location, coverings and layers. (n.d.).). Without this layer the heart would not be strong enough to pump blood in and out the heart, “the primary function of the myocardium is to stimulate heart contractions and relaxation.” (Heart Anatomy: Size, location, coverings and layers. (n.d.).).



Heart Anatomy: Size, location, coverings and layers. (n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from http://anatomyandphysiologyi.com/heart-anatomy/

(n.d.). Retrieved April 11, 2018, from https://study.com/academy/lesson/endocardium-definition-function.htm

Mikes, P. L. (2017, August 14). What Are the Functions of Simple Squamous Epithelial Cells? Retrieved April 11, 2018, from https://www.livestrong.com/article/192286-what-are…