watch the video and write three pages paper with those issues in the video

Watch the ORIGINAL Video the Lorax shown in the resource links. It covers a number of environmental resource depletion and waste issues.

ASSIGNMENT: Create a LIST of environmental resource or pollution issues from the video. You should be able to easily come up with at least 6 or 7 issues.

Once you have done that, write a three page double spaced paper relating the movie, the Lorax to Santa Clara County or another large metropolitan area you are familiar with. This can be anywhere in the world.


  • Do you see any similarities? What are they? Explain in detail.
  • What environmental, social and economic challenges were caused? Be sure to cover all three. What problems do they cause?
  • How specifically could we live a more sustainable and biocentric lifestyle?
  • What lessons does the video, The Lorax teach us? Give a DETAILED answer and connect your answer to a theory or principle covered in this class thus far.